How We Teach & Support
It’s the little things we do to support an individualised learning program that get us the big results
How we teach and support
Our entire teaching staff is dedicated to the detail and we want to ensure every child achieves to their own potential.
This means ensuring we have a robust system of teaching and support that not only caters to the average (or middle student) – but also the advanced student or the student that needs some extra support.
For learning to take place we need to ensure that every child feels safe, happy and confident within themselves – and so a huge emphasis is placed on a strong wellbeing and support program that achieves just that!
Extending Students
At Our Lady’s our focus is always on the `individual learner’, providing the opportunity for every student to reach their full potential. We use a range of formative assessment to identify the needs of every student, including students who require extension. Our aim is for every student to be challenged, engaged and to show learning growth in all areas of the curriculum. Our expert teachers work collaboratively to ensure that all our students, at both ends of the learning spectrum, can fully flourish.
Additional Support
Our teachers are extremely skilled at identifying students who require additional support. With the support of our School Leaders, our Teachers and Support Staff implement intervention strategies in the core areas of Literacy and Numeracy. In addition to this support, our Reading Recovery Program supports students from Year One to reach reading benchmarks.
At Our Lady’s we work closely with parents through our `Program Support Group’ (PSG) meetings to set learning goals and Personal Learning Plans (PLPs).
Positive Behaviour
At Our Lady’s we use the acronym `FAIR’ to drive our behaviour expectations. Our Lady’s is part of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program (SWPBS).
`F.A.I.R.’ is an acronym for:
F– Feeling Safe
A– Acting Responsibly
I – Including Everyone
R – Respectful and Resilient
Our Behaviour Purpose Statement:
At Our Lady’s, we are committed to providing a learning environment which fosters growth and develops our responsibility as a community to ensure we ‘Grow Together in Faith for the Future.’ We do this by being FAIR.
Kinder to Prep Transition
At Our Lady’s we believe that students should move through every stage of schooling with confidence. As the majority of our students transition to our school from Kinder to Prep, we implement a Prep Transition program that includes:
– A `Prep Interview’ at the time of enrolment, with an opportunity to discuss particular interests and needs.
– Prep Teachers visit Kinders and Early Learning Centres to meet the students in their early learning environment.
– A school taster morning, with an opportunity to participate in Specialist Subjects, and meet new teachers, in LOTE (Italian), Physical Education, Performing Arts, STEM and Visual Arts.
– Two additional morning sessions in the Prep Learning Space.
– A `Parent Evening’ to provide information in regards to the new school year. An additional parent evening is facilitated in the new school year with a focus on working in partnership in student learning.
Moving Schools
At Our Lady’s we regularly welcome students into our school at levels other than Prep. We understand the importance of a smooth transition in order for a new student to feel safe, supported and welcome!
– Families are always encouraged to take an extensive tour of our school to visit our learning spaces, meet our teachers and see learning in action.They are also welcome to contact the school at any time for further information.
– We can tailor a transition program to suit the needs of the student, including spending time in a learning space prior to beginning a new school year.
– We encourage families to work in partnership with us from day one, sharing any information that will assist in meeting the needs of the individual student.
– We arrange for a `buddy’ student’ (fellow classmate) to support the student in the first few days or weeks of transition, both in the classroom and in the playground.
Meet a couple of students who have done a school move and transitioned into our school after Prep ↓↓↓

Online Tour
The best way to start learning about us. We have professionally produced dozens of videos showcasing our amazing school.

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